








1947 born in Hemsbach/Bergstr.,Germany. apprenticeship in plate etching, university, director of scools

Exhibitions (selection)
City of Weinheim.City of Glarus/Switzerland. Galerie Prope Forurn/Weinheim Association of the promotion of art in Weinheim. Week of Culture in the district of Rhein-Neckar. Campaign "Art District Weinheim" at the Galerie M/Berlin. Palazzo Tozzoni Imola/Italien. City of Laudenbach, City of Birkenau. Galerie Modern Art/Karlsruhe. Galerie Kreathek/Mannheim. Galerie Kertu/Stuttgart. Art Galerie/Frankfurt. Galerie Ulrich Grimm/Magdeburg. Galerie of the Rhein-Neckar-district at the hospital of Weinheim. Galerie in der Fabrik/Ziegelbrücke/Svvitzerland. Kommandantenhaus Dielsberg/district of Rhein-Neckar "Kubus" City of Viernheim. Postions of Modern Art Variations of Abstract Painting/ Art Association Eisenturm in Mainz. Destrict bank of Clarus/Switzerland. Chapelle du Grand Couvent Cavaillon/France.

Educational trips
to Italy, Ethiopia, Columbia, Svvitzerland, Russia

Permanent exhibitions
City of Weinheim, City of Birkenau, Carl Freudenberg Company/Weinheim, Company SCA Hygiene Papier/Mannheim, District of Rhein-Neckar. Destrict Gouvernment/Karlsruhe

Further vvorks of art are part of private collections in Germany and other countries.

1992 Catalogue for the exhibition in Berlin and imola/Italien 1993 Catalogue for the 3. Week of Culture of the Rhein-Neckar district 1998 Catalogue 'Paintings of Helmut Günter Weis 1994-1998" 1998 Catalogue `Art from studios in Weinheim"- association for the promotion of art in Weinheim

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